
Experts Share Unspoken IVF Truths For Couples Trying To Get Pregnant

If you’re looking into In-Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) as a choice for your family, no doubt you’ve been flooded with information on the process. Success stories, horror stories, scientific articles, opinion pieces, much of it conflicting with one another. It can be confusing and frustrating to sort through all the information. Dr Parul Agarwal, Senior Fertility & IVF Consultant & Gynaecologist, Cloudnine Hospital, Noida, simplifies it, “IVF treatment is an Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) that involves the process of a woman’s egg being retrieved from her body and fertilised in a lab. Once the embryo grows, it is returned to the woman’s uterus or frozen for use in the future.”

The Procedure

Since IVF is a long and complicated procedure, it works differently for everyone considering age, health of the couple, and various other issues that doctors explain beforehand. “IVF is a highly evolved process where you meet with specialists and undergo tests, you get injections, your follicles are stimulated, eggs are collected and embryos are created. Thereafter, embryos are transferred in the womb for their implantation. It takes time, hopefully not too much, but it differs for every couple because there are variables to consider. A few variables when it comes to IVF, are hormones, medication, sperm quality, egg quality, age of mother (or age of donor), and more. Sometimes your doctor will tweak a few variables to yield a different result,” explains Dr Parul.

Dr Parul Agarwal

IVF Affects You And Your Partner

In a typical IVF protocol (if ‘typical’ exists in a procedure like this), a woman will have ultrasounds and injections. She’ll experience side effects that range from bloating to nausea to fatigue, not to mention all the changes that will come with pregnancy and birth. Dr Sanjay Makwana, Senior IVF & Endoscopic Surgeon, and Director, Vasundhara IVF Hospital, Jodhpur, adds, “What perhaps does not get said enough is the impact it has on the partner. They aren’t going through the physical experience, but they are affected emotionally and psychologically. They, too, experience the highs and lows of the process, and can feel drained, discouraged, inadequate, frustrated and anxious. Often partners want to fix the problem and want to be supportive and feel useful. Working through the peaks and valleys together can be tremendously helpful for both parents. After all, parenting begins the moment you make any conscious effort to care for your own health in preparation for enhancing your child’s conception.”

Dr Sanjay Makwana

Alcohol Can Greatly Reduce Your Chances of Success

Factors including age, health of parents/sperm/eggs, sleep, stress and caffeine can affect the IVF outcome. One of the biggest negative contributors is alcohol, and not just for women; men’s consumption can also seriously impact success too. While you’re undergoing IVF, and even for a few months before starting the procedure, it’s best to seriously limit your alcohol intake.

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Preconception Health Is For Men, Too

Women are given lots of information about preconception diet and health, be it through magazines, healthcare practitioners, friends and family. Men are typically not given the same information. Dr Haritha Rao, Director & HOD – Fertility & Reproductive Medicine, Ayaansh IVF Hospital, Bengaluru, says, “It is simply assumed that if a man can ejaculate, he can get a woman pregnant. But a single sperm makes up half of the embryo that develops into a baby. It makes sense that the man’s health is just as essential to IVF success as the woman’s.

And it helps to be a healthy man! Alcohol and smoking negatively impact sperm health, and so do stress, obesity, low exercise, heat exposure, and poor diet. In fact, many of the recommendations given to women for preconception can be applied to men. This includes stress management, moderate exercise, a nutrient-dense diet with supplementation where appropriate and abstaining from (or seriously limiting) smoking and alcohol.

Dr Haritha Rao

One May Need IVF Even After Having Conceived Naturally

Many people think that if they’ve conceived without assistance once, it will happen again. But that isn’t always the case. Secondary infertility can be traced to either partner or both partners. About 1/3rd of the cases originate in women and about 1/3rd originate in men. In the remaining 1/3rd, the cause is due to a combination of factors or isn’t known. Increased age, complications from prior pregnancy, increased weight, medications, sexually transmitted diseases, impaired sperm production, alcohol abuse and smoking are all examples of secondary infertility in men and women.

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Causes of secondary infertility in women include:

  • Problems In The Quantity Or Quality Of Eggs

Women are born with a limited supply of eggs and are unable to create new eggs after birth. As women approach their 40s and beyond, the number of eggs in their ovaries decreases and the remaining eggs have higher chance of chromosomal problems. For women where age isn’t a concern, there are other reasons that they might have a low number of good quality eggs, including autoimmune or genetic conditions and prior surgery or radiation.

  • Problem With Fallopian Tubes

The fallopian tubes which carry the eggs from the ovaries to the uterus can become blocked due to pelvic infections such as chlamydia or gonorrhoea.

  • Problem With The Uterus

There are many conditions related to the uterus that can cause secondary infertility. Scarring can occur during a dilation and curettage (D&C) or caesarean delivery that can create adhesion inside the uterus interfering with future pregnancies.

  • Fibroids Or Polyps

These are benign (non-cancerous) growths inside the uterus that can impair pregnancy. A retained placenta can cause infection and uterine scarring.

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  • Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a condition where tissue that normally grows inside the uterus grows elsewhere in the body, such as on the ovaries or bowel surfaces. While endometriosis is common, not all endometriosis causes infertility.

  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

This is a hormonal disorder characterised by longer-than-normal or infrequent menstrual periods. A woman with this condition has an excessive number of male hormones, and the ovaries fail to release eggs regularly.

  • Weight Gain Or Other Lifestyle Changes

Weight gain can lead to ovary dysfunction in some patients. Certain diets or medications may affect fertility.

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Causes of secondary infertility in men include reduced levels of testosterone, which plays a key role in sperm production. Testosterone levels can decline due to ageing, injury to urinary or genital organs, or certain medical conditions like genital infections, thyroid diseases, or diabetes.
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Experts Explain How Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Affects Fertility

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a disorder that doctors associate with an imbalance in female sex hormones. The imbalance can lead to a variety of symptoms and may affect a woman’s fertility.

What Is PCOS?

Every month, in women of childbearing age, tiny fluid-filled cysts known as follicles, develop on the surface of the ovary. Female sex hormones, including estrogen, cause one of the follicles to produce a mature egg. The ovary then releases this egg, and it breaks out of the follicle.

In women who have PCOS, there is an imbalance in female sex hormones. The imbalance may prevent the development and release of mature eggs. Without a mature egg, neither ovulation or pregnancy can occur. This hormone imbalance may also include an abnormal increase in testosterone, which is primarily a male sex hormone. Note that women also produce testosterone, although it is usually in small amounts.

What Is PCOS?

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Causes Of PCOS

Experts do not know exactly what causes PCOS, but it may involve genetic factors. If a woman’s mother or sister has the condition, she has a higher chance than others of developing it.

Additionally, excess insulin in the body also increases a woman’s risk of developing PCOS. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas, and it is used by the body to convert sugar present in food into energy. Notably, women with PCOS often have insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is the body’s inability to lower blood sugar levels correctly. Blood sugar levels can become too high, which causes more insulin production.

Too much insulin further increases testosterone production, which leads to some of the symptoms of PCOS.

Causes Of PCOS

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Symptoms Of PCOS

Not everyone with PCOS will have the same signs or symptoms. Also, PCOS symptoms can occur at any age or time during a person’s reproductive years. Symptoms can also change over time. Some of the most common symptoms of PCOS include:

  • Abnormal hair growth on the face, chest, or back
  • Acne or a darkening of the skin
  • Weight gain
  • Thinning hair on the head
  • Infertility
  • Irregular periods
  • Ovarian cysts
  • Depression
  • Increased skin tags
Symptoms Of PCOS

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How PCOS Affects Fertility

Dr. Dakshayani Ravikumar, Clinical Director, Art Fertility Clinics, Chennai, says that the effects of PCOS on fertility can be different from person to person.

  • Ovulation problems are usually the primary cause of infertility in women with PCOS. Ovulation may not occur due to an increase in testosterone production or because follicles on the ovaries do not mature.
  • Even if ovulation occurs, an imbalance in hormones may prevent the lining of the uterus from developing properly to allow for the implantation of the mature egg.
  • Due to unbalanced hormones, ovulation and menstruation can be irregular. Unpredictable menstrual cycles can also make it difficult to get pregnant.

Dr Dakshayani Ravikumar Says How PCOS Affects Fertility
Dr Dakshayani Ravikumar

Other Complications Of PCOS

Infertility is often one of the main complications of PCOS, but it is not the only one. Dr. Dakshayani lists the health conditions that women with PCOS are at a greater risk for than others:

  • High cholesterol levels
  • High blood pressure
  • Heart disease
  • Diabetes
  • Weight gain
  • Sleep apnea
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Poor body self-image
  • Endometrial cancer
Other Complications Of PCOS

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When To See A Doctor?

“Anyone who is having difficulty becoming pregnant should speak to a doctor, who will be able to explain the various treatment options. Anyone who is concerned that they are unable to become pregnant or who has symptoms that may indicate PCOS, should see a doctor,” advises Dr. Dakshayani.

Even if a woman does not wish to become pregnant, getting an early diagnosis of PCOS can help prevent complications. Assessment for PCOS can help target treatment and improve the chances of conceiving. “If a woman does become pregnant, it is also essential to know if PCOS is present, as studies have found a higher risk of pregnancy complications with PCOS, such as gestational diabetes, premature delivery, and high blood pressure,” adds Dr. Dakshayani.

When To See A Doctor?

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PCOS Diagnosis And Treatment

There is no specific test to diagnose PCOS; doctors make a diagnosis based on several factors. Tests may include a physical exam, knowing medical history, blood tests for hormone levels and glucose levels, and an ultrasound scan.

PCOS treatment can increase the chances of conceiving in those who wish to become pregnant. It can also help people manage their symptoms. Since symptoms vary from individual to individual, treatment is not always the same. Options also depend on whether or not the woman wishes to become pregnant.

Dr. Dakshayani shares treatment options for PCOS symptoms:

  • Birth control pills to help correct hormonal imbalances
  • Insulin-sensitising drugs to improve the body’s use of insulin and testosterone production
  • In the case of diabetes, medication to control blood sugar levels
  • Exercise and healthful eating to help boost overall well-being and control weight
  • Maintaining a healthy weight can help reduce insulin and testosterone levels and improve symptoms
PCOS Diagnosis And Treatment

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Fertility Treatment For PCOS

If a woman with PCOS wishes to become pregnant, the doctor may prescribe medications to regulate menstrual periods and encourage ovulation. “Surgery may be an option if the medication does not improve fertility. One surgical procedure is laparoscopic ovarian drilling, in which the surgeon makes small cuts in the abdomen and inserts a needle. Electric current is used to destroy a small amount of tissue that produces testosterone in the ovary. Decreasing testosterone levels may allow regular ovulation to occur,” explains Dr. Dakshayani.

Fertility Treatment For PCOS

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Tips For Increasing Fertility

Below are some lifestyle tips that can help increase fertility.

  • Weight Management

Losing excess weight may help balance hormone production and increase the chances of ovulation and pregnancy. People with a low weight who have difficulty conceiving may want to see their doctor as well, as this may be another risk factor for infertility.

  • Stress Management

Long-term stress can affect hormones. For example, ongoing stress can increase cortisol in the body, which may trigger a rise in insulin production. High insulin levels can lead to an imbalance in female sex hormones and infertility. Finding healthful ways to manage stress may also boost fertility. Tips for managing stress include getting regular exercise, balancing work and home life, spending time with friends and family, and getting enough sleep.

  • Dietary Changes

For some people with PCOS, a low glycaemic diet may improve symptoms and fertility. This type of diet involves eating fewer foods that cause a spike in blood sugar levels, resulting in lower insulin levels and less testosterone production.

Tips For Increasing Fertility

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Other Factors That Affect Female Fertility

PCOS is only one of the many possible causes of female infertility. Some other common reasons include the following.

  • Endometriosis: A growth of uterine tissue outside of the uterus can also lead to infertility, especially when it develops in the fallopian tubes.
  • Structural Problems: A problem with the structure of the fallopian tubes or other parts of the reproductive system can make it difficult to become pregnant.
  • Fibroids: These noncancerous tumors in the uterus can cause fertility problems by preventing implantation.

However, many women with fertility problems, including PCOS, can become pregnant with medical help. The first step to take to increase the chances of pregnancy is for an individual to see a doctor and get an accurate diagnosis. By doing this, they can start treatment as soon as possible.

Femina Health Series: How PCOS Affects Fertility

Couples whose attempts at parenthood do not succeed are already stressed and PCOS can only add to it. Our experts today are here to assure couples that there is no reason to despair as there is a way forward. In today’s discussion with our four medical experts, we take a look at an issue that affects almost 20% of the women in India – polycystic ovarian syndrome or as we know it, PCOS – and how it affects those couples who are looking at becoming parents via IVF. They help us understand the causes of this syndrome, how to identify it, the need to seek medical help and the lifestyle changes that will help.

As we started learning about PCOS, Dr Shital Punjabi, Founding Director at Shashwat IVF & Women’s Hospital, Ahmedabad, shed light on how it is a syndrome and affects the woman’s body from head to toe. Some of the symptoms she mentions are crankiness, irregular and scanty periods, and weight gain among other things. At a later stage, she says, the girl might face problems in conceiving if PCOS is not addressed in time. A revelation she has is that it is not necessary all girls suffer from this syndrome or that all who do experience all the symptoms, these are just indicative of the fact that medical intervention is needed.  

Moving forward Dr Krithika Devi, Senior Consultant at NOVA IVF Fertility MRC Nagar, Chennai, clears the fact that women who have PCOS need not worry about becoming mothers, since it is possible. Couples often conceive naturally too, if the woman has PCOS. Even with IVF, the success rate is fairly good. “The most common medical issue seen with women with PCOS during an IVF treatment is ovarian hyperstimulation. That is, the body produces a lot of eggs, which might lead to abdomen pain and discomfort. The positive part is there are many eggs to work with, based on their quality,” she elaborates.


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Half the battle is won when the woman is already aware of the condition is getting it treated. Dr Kalyanai Shrimali, Senior Consultant Reproductive Medicine at NOVA IVF, Indore, points out that awareness is a wonderful way to start. “The IVF treatment is always teamwork between the couples and the consulting doctor. We always counsel the couple for lifestyle changes that will help. Of course, these can’t happen overnight, but the willingness and drive to do it will improve the chances of success,” she says. She also mentions that PCOS increases the stress hormones, so any positive lifestyle changes will help reduce stress levels and improve the ability to conceive.


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As is understood, counselling of the couples who are already stressed about becoming parents, is extremely crucial in such cases. Dr Hitendra Somani, Director at Nirmal IVF & Test Tube Baby Centre, Bhavnagar, says that he advises couples to address basic issues life stress, diet, lifestyle and addiction issues, if any. “Eventually, couples do become pregnant, but the ride is a bit bumpier than usual, due to PCOS, so they have to be very careful in avoiding complications and adhering to the medication schedule,” he says. In this entire journey, the most important person who needs to be by the side of the woman is the life partner. “The partner and family members must understand that the lady is not only going through physical stress but also a lot of emotional upheaval, and she needs support most at this time.”All the doctors agreed on the fact that PCOS can be treated and will not form a major hindrance if it is caught young, and addressed properly. They also suggested that the best way to address it is with the help of a medical practitioner and appropriate lifestyle changes for the long term.

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Misconceptions About IVF That You Need To Stop Believing In

As infertility rates continue to rise, especially amongst the urban, middle-aged demographic, in vitro fertilisation (IVF) has become the default choice of fertility treatment. IVF has remained the gold-standard of treatment for infertility and has offered a viable path to parenthood for thousands of couples worldwide.


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However, as widely as it may be prevalent and as successful as the results may have been, there are still misconceptions and misgivings that people continue to harbour about IVF as a viable treatment for infertility. These misconceptions aren’t just far from reality but also remain bereft of any scientific basis, and yet, are widely accepted and also perpetrated. These misconceptions and misinformation is both dissuading and dangerous for those who wish to opt for IVF to realise their dreams of becoming a parent.

Here are some of the most common misconceptions associated with IVF and the actual reality behind them.

IVF Increases The Chances Of Multiple Births


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Actually, this is exactly in contradiction to what IVF does. While natural birthing offers no control over the number of embryos that will get implanted in the uterus, IVF allows parents-to-be complete control over the number of embryos that can be implanted. Yes, it is true that multiple embryos may be fertilised and can be implanted, but that alone doesn’t make it necessarily a risk that leads to multiple births. However, the chances of multiple pregnancy increases if a couple opts for two embryos to be transferred.

IVF Depletes Ovarian Reserves Of A Woman
No. Firstly, the ovarian reserve is fixed and continues to deplete naturally during the course of a woman’s reproductive cycle. Yes, in an IVF cycle, multiple eggs are harvested and used for the purpose of fertilisation, but that doesn’t mean that there is a depletion of the ovarian reserve, much less the possibility of future infertility caused by low ovarian reserve. In the natural course of selection, a group of eggs become available each month for maturation, with one of them eventually available for ovulation. In an IVF cycle, the similar process is followed with one distinction – instead of one egg, MOST of the eggs IN THAT GROUP are available for ovulation. Thus, none of the eggs that are actually earmarked for the future are used or ill-used in an IVF cycle.

IVF Cycles Can Eventually Lead To Cancer


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The use of gonadotropins for the stimulation of ovaries is misunderstood as one of the causes of ovarian cancer. However, one must underscore the fact that the use of hormonal treatment has always been associated with certain unavoidable side effects. Also, there is currently no direct causal link between the growth of ovarian tumours and the use of gonadotropins.

IVF Cycle Hyperstimulation Is Uncontrollable
While there is a concern with hyperstimulation of ovaries during IVF, there is no reason to believe that such hyperstimulation is beyond control. As fertility science improves and there are improved management methods of the ovarian response, it is now possible to regulate ovarian response and ensure that the same doesn’t breach any unwanted or unwarranted levels.

IVF Is A Solution To All Infertility Issues


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No. While IVF provides a very viable and tested method of conception, it is not a foolproof and all-inclusive treatment option for infertility. There are various other modes of treatment, as well as improved versions of IVF itself such as intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), which may and can be deployed based on the needs and requirements of the individual in question.

In addition to the above, there are several other misgivings that people have as they seek infertility treatment. Many believe that it is only helpful for younger individuals, while others say that waiting a while wouldn’t hurt – neither of these are correct. While older individuals can become parents via IVF, there is no reason to keep waiting till you cross a particular age.

Thus, before you consider IVF as a treatment option for your infertility, it is best to have an open, honest conversation with your doctor. Consider all the options, weigh in all the possibilities that exist. In the age of information that we live in, it is misinformation that can end up being our Achilles heel.

Let’s Talk Fertility: Busting Myths On Assisted Reproductive Technology

Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) is a boon for couples who tend to face fertility issues while embarking on the journey of parenthood. There are many doubts and misconceptions surrounding the field of ART that need to be addressed.

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Assisted reproductive technology (ART) alleviates the burden of infertility on couples who have been trying to conceive naturally, but have not been successful. Many couples believe in myths regarding ART-related treatments and avoid opting for it. We help you to separate fact from fiction by answering all your queries regarding ART. Read on to know why there is absolutely no harm in seeking a fertility consultant’s advice before planning for a baby.

Myth #1: Meeting A Fertility Expert Is The Last Resort
Fact: Every woman has a fertility career, and it is best to plan pregnancy at an early age. Fertility depends on the egg quality, the number of eggs, sperm quality, uterine polyps and many other factors. Some of these such as low ovarian reserves or low Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) cannot be assessed without specific tests. AMH is a hormone that is secreted by cells in developing egg sacs (follicles). There are no signs or symptoms of low AMH. Taking an AMH test can help to determine the egg reserve and one’s chances of conceiving. All these factors will be missed unless the couples visit a fertility expert and get themselves evaluated holistically. If a couple is planning for a baby or if they are planning not to have a baby and delay the process, they should definitely meet a fertility expert. The expert will be able to assess the situation and make sure that the couple is not losing any opportunity when they decide to plan for pregnancy or delay it. Be assured that you will be provided the best possible solution. A couple will come to know if they should delay pregnancy, plan now or how and when they should be planning.

If a woman reaches a fertility expert at the end of her fertility career then there is not much that a fertility consultant will be able to do, owing to various other factors such as low egg reserve, etc. Hence, a fertility consultation should be a priority right after the marriage.

Myth #2: IVF Is The Last Option To Choose


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Fact: There are different reasons for which a couple may opt for an IVF treatment. For example, the couple will be advised IVF, if the sperm count is low and cannot be improved with the help of medication. Even a recently married couple may need IVF when they plan conception. As helpful as it is, IVF is not magic by which fertility can be assured. It is a process to make sure that the couples scientifically overcome all the obstacles and hurdles and carry a good pregnancy. A consultation with a fertility expert if planned early will definitely give couples better chances of conceiving. Planning for IVF should not be left till all the other options are explored. If IVF is needed, doing it early gives you a better chance of pregnancy rather than doing it later when things will not be conducive owing to advanced age and other factors.

Myth #3: A Woman Needs To Give Enough Time To Herself For Natural Conception Before Planning Fertility Treatment


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Fact: While this stands true for younger women, waiting for nature to take its course is not recommended for women of all age groups. If a woman belongs to a higher age group, getting pregnant is a difficult task. Hence, when a couple decides on fertility, they should also take the age of the woman into consideration. If a woman is on the older side, then the couple should not wait for too long and plan pregnancy under medical guidance. It is imperative for a couple to seek help in a timely manner to ensure the best possible outcome.

Myth #4: Fertility Treatment Or IVF Will Result In Multiple Pregnancies


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Fact: IVF is a process whereby eggs and sperms are fertilised in the laboratory by highly-skilled embryologists to produce embryos. Then, the embryos are implanted in the woman’s womb. The couple along with the doctor can choose how many embryos they wish to transfer and successfully plan for a single pregnancy. It is usually advised to not transfer more than one or two embryos at a time, in order to avoid any further complications with the potential pregnancy. The process of IVF is not at all risky as it is done step-by-step by Doctors to assure a healthy and safe pregnancy.

Myth #5: IVF Pregnancies Cause Abnormal Babies


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Fact: In fact, it’s quite the opposite. The chances of having abnormal children are the same in the overall population which is 1-2%. The risk of abnormality in children is associated with the mother’s age at the time she conceives and not with the type of treatment she has undergone. In IVF, the best sperms and eggs are selected and fertilised, resulting in embryos. Selecting the most competent of the healthy embryo to transfer reduce the chances of abnormalities in babies. Pre-Implantation Genetic Testing (PGT) is a cutting-edge diagnostic technology that involves testing embryos created through in-vitro fertilization (IVF) and then transferring healthy embryos. Hence, a pregnancy will be healthy and as normal as a natural pregnancy if done in the right manner.

To conclude, it is imperative that a couple plan their journey of parenthood and seek advice from a fertility specialist on how to plan and execute it. Reaching out to a fertility specialist should not be the last resort, but in fact, should be the first option to explore for any couple who wants to embark on the journey of parenthood at any given point in time.

Fertility Treatment Needs Both Partners On Board. Here’s Why

Fertility treatment is ideally recommended for a couple who have not been able to conceive after trying for one year or more. “It may be needed early for some women who are nearing the end of their reproductive potential or men who have a gradually failing sperm production. As conception is aided by both the partners, the testing and treatment also involve both partners,” tells Dr Richa Jagtap, Clinical Director, Consultant Reproductive Medicine, Nova IVF Fertility, Mumbai. There can be many reasons why a fertility treatment is required. Dr Madhuri Roy, Gynaecologist and IVF Consultant, founder, and managing director of Conceive IVF, Pune notes them down:

• Female factors like advanced maternal age, blocked fallopian tubes, PCOD, endometriosis, fibroids, etc.

• Male factors like abnormal sperm parameters, erectile dysfunction due to diabetes, hypertension, psychological, blocked vas deferens due to infection or family planning operation in the past, varicocele hydrocele in the scrotum which damages sperms

“Beyond providing healthy sperms for conception, a husband is also expected to extend support, mental strength, understanding and lots of tender loving care for their partner,” Dr Jagtap notes, “And of course, vice versa for women too. A one-sided treatment is never helpful.” The health of both eggs and sperms are equally important for success. “So, lifestyle changes are recommended and medications to improve eggs and sperms quality are given to both. Involvement of both partners to support each other in the exercises, diet, stress management, stimulation injections, hospital visits to understand the correct treatment plan, managing the finances and maintaining work-life and treatment balance is needed,” Dr Roy points out.


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Building A Support System

Infertility itself comes as a big setback and brings with it emotional trauma and negativity. At this time a woman needs assurance and love from the entire family. “She needs to know that’s it’s a journey where she has support from all her family members and she is not a lesser person because of what she is going through,” Dr Jagtap shares, “In fact, more than other times, before preparing for a treatment she needs a good mental state, less stress and happy thoughts for future.” The spouse and family members can support in many ways. Help them take care of the chores at home, or even work pressures. Dr Roy notes that support and care are important during this time, and you can do so by helping them with their chores or any other work. By spending quality time together and encouraging them through the doctor-recommended diet and exercise.

Fighting The Stigma
“For ages, it’s the woman who bears the cross of infertility. However now we know that men contribute to an equal incidence of infertility amongst couples,” points out Dr Jagtap. “Women are often blamed and harassed for not being able to bear a child while men hesitate to accompany women to the clinic and get tested,” Dr Roy adds, “Even today, after the path-breaking technology and medical advances, there is a stigma about fertility-related treatments. But it’s a time to break this stigma.”


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“Many people feel that the child born through IVF is someone else’s baby and not their own and this misconception needs to be cleared,” says Dr Roy, “It is essential to educate the couple regarding infertility treatments. Do not be afraid to seek help via fertility expert.” Dr Jagtap further adds, “Awareness is the biggest way to improve the myths and stigma around fertility treatment.”

Dr Roy advises, “Don’t feel embarrassed to come out in open and discuss your infertility problems with your fertility expert. Do not engage in a self-blame game instead, fight it out. Infertility can occur in anyone, it’s not in your hands, but taking timely treatment is what you can surely do.” “There is no shame or fear to take a fertility consult. The fear of the unknown and the fear of failure keep us back. But the hopes of a happy successful journey get us going,” notes Dr Jagtap who also adds that it’s very important to take the first step. She points out that for women, the egg numbers decline with age and timely action is needed. Her advice is that “we fear the unknown. Once we know it, we can tackle it.”

Does Age Matter When Considering IVF? Read On To Find Out

IVF has helped many women to achieve their dream of motherhood when they were not able to conceive naturally. It is an efficient method to help a couple get pregnant with a series of procedures with a doctor. Several factor come into play when a couple thinks of opting for IVF, and age of the woman is among the foremost. Dr Aindri Sanyal, Fertility Consultant at Nova IVF Fertility, Kolkata discusses at length its impact over the procedure.

Mother’s Age Directly Impacts The Success Of IVF

Common Myths About IVF

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It has repeatedly been said that relatively older aged women (and men) face fertility issues. This is because with age the number and quality of eggs in a woman keep deteriorating. So, age does matter, for both men and women. With age, it keeps getting more difficult for a woman to get pregnant naturally as well as through IVF. After the age of 35, the percentage of getting pregnant even though an IVF, falls to 25 to 30 per cent, and after the age of 40, the percentage falls further to around 15 to 20 per cent. According to a few doctors’ chances of giving live birth to a baby after the age of 40 drop to around 10 per cent. So, as the woman ages, the eggs in her body also age along with her and it gets difficult to get pregnant with age.

How IVF Treatment Has Evolved Over Time


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IVF was first introduced in the 1970s to treat a woman who had blocked/damaged fallopian tubes. This was a huge scientific breakthrough for those times and still is one of the greatest procedures in medical science. Since the first test-tube baby in the 1970s, millions of babies have taken birth through this procedure.

• Initially, laparoscopy was used to retrieve eggs from the ovaries, however, it has been discontinued and they now use transvaginal ultrasound-guided oocyte retrieval. By using the method, the risk of anaesthesia-related issues and the cost due to a laparoscopy also reduces.
• Earlier there were no medications given to women prior to the procedure, however with time and with enhancement in studies, it is known that hormone therapy two to three weeks before the egg retrieval would be an efficient method to get a greater number of healthy and mature eggs for the IVF.

Common Myths About IVF

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• With the advancement of technology and medicine, something else also came to light. This was that through ultrasound and a few blood tests the doctors could establish an ideal time to retrieve the eggs.
• Not only can the doctor now retrieve multiple eggs, but they can also freeze the spare eggs for a later time if the patient even wanted or needed another IVF.

Assisted reproductive techniques like IVF, IUI, etc have evolved a lot over the years due to better technology and better tools and have helped many infertile couples to complete their family.

Common Myths About IVF

Common Myths About IVF

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1. Age is just a number: In IVF, we just saw it matters. Couples feel that they can get the IVF treatment done anytime, but this is not true. With age the ability to conceive reduces and hence the success rate of an IVF also declines.
2. IVF will be painful: The fact is that the injectable medicines in the procedure of an IVF are administered by a technologically advanced pen, which makes it painless for the patient. The egg retrieval procedure is done while the patient is sedated. Hence IVF is not a painful procedure.
3. IVF babies will have health problems: As mentioned earlier millions of babies have been born through an IVF and they are normal and just like babies who have been conceived naturally. This is a huge misconception that people have in their minds which is not at all true.

Common Myths About IVF
Image: Shutterstock

4. Bed rest will be required throughout the pregnancy: This is not true. Neither the treatment nor the pregnancy that results from an IVF entails bedrest. So, the woman can go to work or for a holiday after she conceives.
5. It is extremely expensive: This is something that people feel about IVF. However, the cost of an IVF has come down over the years as technological advancement has made it much easier than before. The minimal cost of an IVF lies between one lakh to a lakh-and-a-half.

Femina Health Series: How PCOS Affects Fertility

Couples whose attempts at parenthood do not succeed are already stressed and PCOS can only add to it. Our experts today are here to assure couples that there is no reason to despair as there is a way forward. In today’s discussion with our four medical experts, we take a look at an issue that affects almost 20% of the women in India – polycystic ovarian syndrome or as we know it, PCOS – and how it affects those couples who are looking at becoming parents via IVF. They help us understand the causes of this syndrome, how to identify it, the need to seek medical help and the lifestyle changes that will help.

As we started learning about PCOS, Dr Shital Punjabi, Founding Director at Shashwat IVF & Women’s Hospital, Ahmedabad, shed light on how it is a syndrome and affects the woman’s body from head to toe. Some of the symptoms she mentions are crankiness, irregular and scanty periods, and weight gain among other things. At a later stage, she says, the girl might face problems in conceiving if PCOS is not addressed in time. A revelation she has is that it is not necessary all girls suffer from this syndrome or that all who do experience all the symptoms, these are just indicative of the fact that medical intervention is needed.  

Moving forward Dr Krithika Devi, Senior Consultant at NOVA IVF Fertility MRC Nagar, Chennai, clears the fact that women who have PCOS need not worry about becoming mothers, since it is possible. Couples often conceive naturally too, if the woman has PCOS. Even with IVF, the success rate is fairly good. “The most common medical issue seen with women with PCOS during an IVF treatment is ovarian hyperstimulation. That is, the body produces a lot of eggs, which might lead to abdomen pain and discomfort. The positive part is there are many eggs to work with, based on their quality,” she elaborates.


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Half the battle is won when the woman is already aware of the condition is getting it treated. Dr Kalyanai Shrimali, Senior Consultant Reproductive Medicine at NOVA IVF, Indore, points out that awareness is a wonderful way to start. “The IVF treatment is always teamwork between the couples and the consulting doctor. We always counsel the couple for lifestyle changes that will help. Of course, these can’t happen overnight, but the willingness and drive to do it will improve the chances of success,” she says. She also mentions that PCOS increases the stress hormones, so any positive lifestyle changes will help reduce stress levels and improve the ability to conceive.


Image: Shutterstock

As is understood, counselling of the couples who are already stressed about becoming parents, is extremely crucial in such cases. Dr Hitendra Somani, Director at Nirmal IVF & Test Tube Baby Centre, Bhavnagar, says that he advises couples to address basic issues life stress, diet, lifestyle and addiction issues, if any. “Eventually, couples do become pregnant, but the ride is a bit bumpier than usual, due to PCOS, so they have to be very careful in avoiding complications and adhering to the medication schedule,” he says. In this entire journey, the most important person who needs to be by the side of the woman is the life partner. “The partner and family members must understand that the lady is not only going through physical stress but also a lot of emotional upheaval, and she needs support most at this time.”All the doctors agreed on the fact that PCOS can be treated and will not form a major hindrance if it is caught young, and addressed properly. They also suggested that the best way to address it is with the help of a medical practitioner and appropriate lifestyle changes for the long term.

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Femina Health Series: Causes Of Infertility And The Way Forward

When couples look to become parents and their attempts do not succeed, they are at a loss. They feel that they are victims, there is a thought of “Why me?”

We brought together five experts who suggested that couples look for medical assistance instead, for a way forward. In this discussion, we look at the causes of infertility and the treatment options available for couples who want to experience the joy of parenthood.

The discussion began with Dr Priya Kannan – IVF Lab Director, Garbba Rakshambigai Fertility Centre, Chennai, listing the types and causes of infertility among women. She mentioned that infertility causes are divided into three categories: those from the male partner, causes from the female partner, and third, the unexplained infertility causes. With scientific advancements, these unexplained causes are being found, and research is still on.

Touching upon the causes from the male partner, Dr Kundan Ingale – Director, Nirmiti Clinic, Centre for Assisted Reproduction & Endoscopy, Pune, talked about the social taboo that existed until about a decade ago, where men feel all is good for them. He mentioned that the male factor makes up for about 40% causes and that is quite huge, so men should be open to undergo the tests.


Coming to the one of the biggest doubts that usually plagues the minds of couples, Dr Parul Katiyar – Co-medical Director India, ART Fertility Clinics, Delhi, said if a couples has been actively trying to get pregnant for a year, and have not been successful, they should seek assistance. She also emphasised the age of the woman as one of the major factors that influences the timeline for treatment. This is because women have a limited reproductive life, and with advancing age, fertility declines. Thus, the urgency of time is high for women who are older than 35 years.

Dr Poornima Durga – Medical Director And Chief Fertility Consultant at MOM IVF & Research Centre, Hyderabad, then went on to talk of the treatment options available to couples, from medications for better ovulation right up to assisted reproductive technologies, including intrauterine insemination (IUI) and in-vitro fertilisation (IVF). The treatments, of course, would depend on the cause of infertility and the medical history of the couple.


Dr Babita Panda – Managing Director & Chief IVF consultant at Future Fertility IVF Center, Bhubaneswar, shed light on the number of IUI cycles that a women can opt for before thinking of the steps ahead in case the treatment is not successful. She also stressed the age of the woman was a factor here as well, but generally, a woman can opt for two IUI cycles.

All the experts spoke about the importance of counselling for the couples when they come in for diagnosis and treatment and how it played a major role in them dealing with the outcome of the treatment, since the success rate of IVF treatments is about 50%. They also spoke of the lifestyle factors that affect reproductive health among men as well as women.

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Femina Health Series: The Transformation Seen In IVF Treatments

With the changing times, we have seen that medical treatments and options available are progressing swiftly, as is the choice for couples to opt for fertility treatments. While it was seen as the last resort a few years back, today, IVF treatment is being actively sought after, as a well-evaluated option by couples. Over the years, there have been many advancements in the field, and with that safety and health of the patients remain of paramount importance for the practitioners. Even then, there are many doubts and questions in the minds of those seeking IVF, so our special panelists today will shed ample light on the latest technology and developments.

So, Femina, in association with Bharat Serums and Vaccines Ltd hosted a CEO Forum Panel Discussion on The Transformation Seen In IVF Treatments as part of the Femina Dialogues – The Health Series.

The discussion saw comments and suggestions from Mr Vinesh Gadhia – India CEO, ART Fertility Clinics and Dr Kshitiz Murdia – CEO & Co-founder, Indira IVF Centre.

Mr Gadhia has over 28 years of experience in healthcare and has been instrumental in advancing the fertility industry in India. In his prior career stints, he successfully built commercial teams, developed strategy, and expanded scientific partnerships throughout healthcare market.

Dr Murdia is one of the youngest professionals to have led an organisation to such success. He is passionate about clinical research and has a number of articles published in reputed national and international journals, including British Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology (BJOG) and Frontiers in Endocrinology (Lausanne).

The discussion, moderated by Shraddha Kamdar, Production Editor – Femina, started off with understanding the developments that have occurred in the field over the years, and how the treatment today is far more advanced than ever before even though IVF is a relatively new field in medical science.

Mr Gadhia mentioned that he believed that the discover by Professor Dr Bruno Lunenfled of hormones being extracted was the main milestone towards treating infertility among couples. He also credited the invention of the procedure of In Vitro Fertlisation (IVF) by Dr Patrick Steptoe and Dr Robert Edwards as a major step forward. Post that, he mentioned there are many developments which make the IVF procedure – where in the embryo is fertilised outside the body – better and more effective.

Dr Murdia then spoke about the increase in awareness of the infertility conditions and treatments over the years. “One major change that I have witnessed in the last decade or so is the awareness. The fact that people are ready to talk. Initially there was a fear of social stigma, or blaming women only, but that is changing,” he said. A big step towards improvement in numbers was that couples were ready to come to clinics and discuss it has a medical problem with the doctors and talking openly about it.

The panellists also mentioned how it was a rapidly changing field, and measures are taken to make procedures more friendly. Despite that, lack of awareness and accessibility to clinics prevents the field to grow to its fullest potential in the country.

Collectively the artificial intelligence and new drugs and methods are helping couples getting more positive outcomes. Mr Gadhia started working on opening the minds of the couples towards infertility as a medical disease about a decade ago. He mentioned that couples, when they realise the problem, go to a gynaecologist for treatment and diagnoses, keep changing doctors and beliefs. Until the gynaecologists do not refer them to an IVF centre, couples will go through rounds of futile treatments, losing precious time in the bargain. Time, Dr Murdia mentioned was the single most important factor in getting an IVF cycle and its outcome.

The experts believed that creating educational and awareness programmes was necessary by clinics. They also said that chains of clinics can better enable gather and enable resources for treatment, which improves the patient experience and also, outcomes, all this at an affordable cost, owing to economies of scale. They also caution the viewers, that even though the treatment of an IVF cycle is perceived to be costly, it is in fact, one of the best, most modern and goal-oriented with high positive results in the country. If clinics were to reduce the costs any further, it would compromise on the quality of the treatment.

In the concluding segment, the CEOs spoke about the need to act fast, and not waste time over other treatments, if infertility is diagnosed.

Bharat Serums and Vaccines Ltd is one of the fastest growing bio pharmaceutical companies In India. For over 50 years now, Bharat Serums and Vaccines has used its scientific resources to develop a range of biological, biotech and pharmaceutical products to treat various types of diseases, especially in the IVF, women’s health and critical care space, and continues to contribute to preserve, protect and enhance the quality of life.

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